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Beyond the bale

Dollars and Sense

Annual open day

Open Day

Centre Plus Open Day


Nick Potter - AWI WoolQ.
What is it? How can it make a difference to your business?

WoolQ™ is the single online destination for woolgrowers and the wool industry more broadly to access and interact with industry information, data, selling choices and trading opportunities, provided by a range of industry sources. 

WoolQ™ aspires to be a hub for ongoing industry innovation.

Nathan Scott – Achieve AG Solutions.
Practical advice for commercial sheep breeders & what’s a social license to farm mean? 

Achieve Ag Solutions specialises in the delivery of practical agricultural solutions based on the latest science and technology.  
While science and technology are vital to the continued improvement of the agricultural sector, both are of little use unless they can be successfully implemented by producers.


Mark Mortimer – Centre Plus Merinos
How we move from a breeding object to ASBV’s to animal selections.

Mark is the Technology and Data Analysis Manager for the Nucleus Stud and Members of Centre Plus Merino Group. Mark’s key roles include data capture with electronic tags and the storage, management, and analysis of this data from Centre Plus as it continues to strive to be at the forefront of genetics in the sheep industry

Morning tea and lunch provided.

NAB AgribusinessCentre Plus Open DayCentre Plus Field DayCentre Plus Open DayAnnual Open day

